Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Toute Vérité (All truth)

by Marie NDiaye and Jean-Yves Cendrey
directed by Caroline Gonce

On stage, a father and a son are facing each other. The father was in the army, the son came close to becoming a delinquent. In this background of resentment and hatred, both men have a score to settle.
Marie Ndiaye and Jean-Yves Cendrey, two important French writers, have been husband and wife for twenty years : they wrote together this violent head to head confrontation which will allow each of us to confront our own family history and destiny. This moving cathartic play is produced by the Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers and directed by Caroline Gonce who has been Frédéric Bélier-Garcia’s assistant for many years.

Page précédente >> Pour en finir avec Bérénice
Page suivante >> Twelfth night

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