Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

La nuit du 21 juin (The night of June the 21st)

freely adapted from
A midsummer night’s dream
by William Shakespeare
directed by Harry Holtzman

Shakespeare performed in a hospital room ? Strange but true ! Knut knows he will be dead within six months ! With resources at hand, this director achieves a lifelong dream : to stage A Midsummer night’s dream ! For his last whim, he calls in his hospital room a troupe of actors but only three make it eventually. Never mind ! With a blanket and a few objects, puppets are coming alive ! The play turns into in a delirium where all genres collide, from pastoral comedy to tragedy, from ballet to burlesque. The Label Brut company uses objects « to reach lands where words cannot be used » and was born from the meeting of three actors-directors : Laurent Fraunié, Harry Holtzman, and Babette Masson.

Page précédente >> L’oral et hardi
Page suivante >> Les chaises (The chairs)

Vous êtes ici : Accueil >> Ressources >> English >> Plays 2009-10 >> La nuit du 21 juin (The night of June the 21st)

Théâtre le Quai [vert] ~[/vert] 17 rue de la Tannerie — 49100 Angers [vert] ~[/vert] Tél. 02 44 01 22 44 — Fax 02 44 01 22 55

Design, conception & réalisation SPIP : Comme toujours