Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

L’oral et hardi

by Jean-Pierre Verheggen

with Jacques Bonnaffé

A wild Belgian poet meets an actor who is crazy about words and the whole stage is swept by a wave of madness ! Jacques Bonnaffé sweeps us away in the frenzy of a monologue which won the 2009 Molière award for the best theatre company ! The play starts with a mock-political speech, and unfolds with other hilarious excerpts from works by Jean-Pierre Verheggen, (who won the Black comedy award in 1995). This hilarious piece of slapstick comedy is performed by a brilliant French actor from the North of France who is well-known for his parts in Jean-Luc Godard or Jacques Rivette’s films.

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Page suivante >> La nuit du 21 juin (The night of June the (...)

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