Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Merlin or the waste land

byTankred Dorst with Ursula Ehler

created by the collectif Les Possédés

directed by Rodolphe Dana

A major contemporary German author revives the saga of the knights of the Round Table for the 20th century. Merlin was written in the early 80s by Tankred Dorst, born in 1925. This monumental work, with influences varying from Shakespeare to Monty Python, tells a story for our times : the failure of utopias in a world compared to a devastated waste land. The myth of the Round Table displays a new human dimension : heroes can be wrong, they doubt, love, and betray. And when time comes to stop the war and search for the Holy Grail, some forsake their dreams for the sake of money, power and women.This is a crazy theatrical epic which Les Possédés, twelve actors that the audience in Angers has already appreciated in two beautifully staged Lagarce plays, have rehearsed during a long residence in our Theatre Le Quai.

Page précédente >> Littoral (Tideline)
Page suivante >> Notre terreur (Our revolution)

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Théâtre le Quai [vert] ~[/vert] 17 rue de la Tannerie — 49100 Angers [vert] ~[/vert] Tél. 02 44 01 22 44 — Fax 02 44 01 22 55

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