Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Cucumber farm

by and with Patrick Robine

directed by Jean-Michel Ribes

Patrick Robine is well known for his embodiment as a sequoia tree, a fried egg or a Tibetan flat mussel... In Cucumber farm, he convenes a whole bunch of manic hippy freaks straight from the 60’s for a surrealist family saga in the desert !
All alone with a little heap of sand (the desert !), Patrick Robine launches into a crazy journey on the way to Cucumber farm, turning. alternatively into Elvis Presley’s mother giving birth to her precious offspring, the DCB (Desert Cops Brigade), or a dromedary !.
This self-taught actor who used to be an ironmonger, a photographer, a scubadiver in a Canadian nightclub, or a maître d’hôtel in a casino is the funniest one-man-band alive !

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