Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire


by David Harrower

directed by Claudia Stavisky

Two lovers meet face-to-face for the first time in 15 years. They awkwardly retrace the steps of their affair, remembering the details... She needs to understand everything about this night which messed up her life : She was 12 and he was 41... He served a six year jail sentence. She suffered scorn and subjugation from her family.
This haunting and powerful play by a young Scottish playwright, David Harrower, won the Scottish Theatre Critics Awards for the best play and the 2007 Olivier Award for best new play in London. Two fascinating actors, Léa Drucker and Maurice Benichou, perform this unsettling, soul-stirring tête a tête.

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